Chirdeep Malhotra . Updated: 9/25/2018 11:17:52 AM Books and Authors

Author Interview - Garima Gupta

Garima Gupta is a mind-body wellness coach and holistic weight loss specialist. Her background in Psychology gives her a unique insight into how dieting or exercise will not help anyone lose weight unless, their mind, too, is looked after. She has come up with the book “The Body Nirvana: More than just a weight-loss Book”, published by Harper Collins. She also writes articles on holistic health and mind-body wellness on websites such as Daily-O. In a candid chat with Chirdeep Malhotra, she discusses about her book, her writing journey, holistic health, and also busts some common weight-loss myths.

Please tell us more about you, and your personal and professional background.
Hi! Thanks for doing this. And a very warm ‘Namaskar’ to the lovely readers of Jammu & Kashmir. I am an Army kid. My father is a retired Major General and Doctor from the Army. My mother was a science teacher at various schools before retiring as the Principal of a charitable school in Noida. My older brother is also a Doctor, child specialist, just like our Dad.
My brother and father often discussed that many patients they saw needed counselling more than medicines. This is when I was seeded with the idea that I must study mind-body connection, in order to help those people who are going unnecessarily to a doctor. So I studied Psychology and after my Masters, I undertook an Advanced Program in Rehab from UMDNJ, New Jersey, USA. I learnt many cutting edge techniques in healing like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), somatic therapies, Mindfulness, and basics of Ayurveda. For other fields I collaborated with experts in design psychology, vastu-shastra, sleep medicine, psychology of nutrition and psychology of eating. With this wide base of knowledge I started building my own system of a holistic understanding of health. Now we talk of not only what is inside us but also what is outside- to have health and wellness.

Being a practising psychologist and a holistic weight loss specialist, you have forayed into writing. Can you tell us more about your writing journey?
It was a short journey from being a Counsellor to a Writer. I remember once that some people asked me the same question, basically, what they can do to lose weight. I replied verbally initially and then penned down the points to share with the rest of my loved ones. That is when I recognised the power of writing.
For every hour spent in a session, I only reach one person. When I write and publish the writing widely, the message reaches many more people. Add to that the fact that I am a little bit of an introvert, so I can’t always be with people. Now, I still see clients one-on-one but spend more time writing for magazines and papers like yours, and also books on health and parenting.

Can you give a brief overview of your book “The Body Nirvana”?
The Body Nirvana is a very unusual weight loss book. It says you should never sacrifice your favourite dessert, you should in fact give in to your cravings, and you don’t have to go to a gym to lose weight. So definitely there were many raised eyebrows. But then I added all the research supporting my suggestions, for the sceptics. I also included links for anyone who might want to go into further details about the studies that are quoted.
This is a book that combines the knowledge of diverse fields like Design, Mindfulness, Mind-Body Medicine, Somatic Therapies, Sports Psychology, Medicine and Dietetics. I first clarify how our mind and body is one unit, then there is specific advice about what kind of changes one can make to get holistic health benefits –and weight loss is a happy side-effect, as I say in the book.

What do you think is the biggest myth about weight loss, and how can one debunk it?
The biggest myth surrounding weight loss is that you don’t lose weight because you are too lazy or don’t have enough willpower. That you must make sacrifices, eat even less and exercise more and you will surely lose weight. This is false, false and false. Our body-mind chooses a weight and then makes sure we stay in that range. If we do not change our state of mind, then all the exercise and dieting will only affect us initially. But the body will quickly adapt to the new exercise and diet. We will stop losing weight, even if we continue the program. The correct way to lose weight or become healthier in general, is to first set-up our mind- BECOME a more fit, more active, more joyful, more content, less stressed person in YOUR MIND first. In your new frame of mind alone will you have permanent benefit from eating right and exercising.

In the book, you have given many tips and takeaways for holistic weight loss, such as how weight loss is a mind game and how one can lose weight even without going on a strict diet. Can you share one or two of these for the benefit of our readers?
It is quite simple, really. Here is the problem with the traditional way of losing weight. You think a temporary diet or exercise plan will give you permanent weight loss, after which you can go back to your old habits of eating and entertainment. But as soon as you go back to old habits, old diseases and weight come back. But if you first learn how to work on your mindset -you start to think, feel and act like a fit, active and content person, and then all your behaviours will lead you towards weight-loss. In the book you will find activities to increase self-love, to sleep better, even to forgive mistakes and traumas of the past. One simple activity, for example, is to pay attention to your food. Eat with mindfulness and suddenly you will feel more energetic and you will stay full longer, after your usual meal too.

What are your other interests apart from writing?
Haha, I am actually a classically trained dancer and singer. I do stage shows. Keeping in touch with my hobbies makes me happy. As you would have read in the book, feeling happy is a must for health! I am usually either learning or teaching music. Most recently I learnt to dance the Tango.

Are there any new literary projects that you’re currently working on?
Yes. I am working on two books. One is like a “What to Expect When You Are Expecting” type of book for parenting. In this book, in short, quick-reading chapters, I am going to cover all the major concerns parents of kids under 10 have. It is a massive project. The other is a Body Nirvana style book but targeting teens. Popular media gives very negative body stereotypes to kids as young as 10. They are going on diets and feeling uneasy in their skin. I think it is imperative that we arm teens with the right knowledge so that they can deflect the negative messages, the body shaming and grow to their full human potential. Being comfortable and confident in their own body, even if it doesn’t follow the beauty protocol of the times will be crucial for this.

There are many new writers there who are aspiring to get their work published. What would you say to them?
Don’t give up. It’s a journey. There will be dark days when you lose your confidence or hope. Just keep going. Don’t let a single day pass when you haven’t written something new. Keep knocking at doors. Your path will unfold before you. If you like you can write to me at [email protected] for a morale booster.

Can you share with our readers a motivational quote that keeps you going?
It is “It is always darkest just before the day dawneth”.
Aside from this, I think a kind of sickness is gripping us where we are becoming self-obsessed. I find that a healthy dose of doing things for others, making someone else’s life less bumpy, energises me tremendously.

Updated On 9/25/2018 2:30:04 PM

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