BJP’s ‘Maha Jan Sampark’ program losing initial vigor

Saroj Razdan. Updated: 11/29/2023 2:18:18 AM Front Page

Thin public participation, dull response worrying for leadership…?

Jammu: BJP’s Maha Jan Sampark Abhiyaan \mass contact programme to reach out to every household across UT that began in October with poll driven vigor is losing that energy not at the level of workers or leaders, instead public involvement. Thin participation of public even in areas that are considered party’s strongholds has become a worrying matter for the leadership.
Sources said even as this Maha Abhiyaan has been continuing in phases since early this year in conformity with such programmes across the nation, this one assumes significance in view of Parliamentary polls next year which remains the main focus of party in J&K besides ‘feedback’ suggestive of atmosphere not being very conducive for the party.
For obvious reasons the leadership intends to move forward with Maha Abhiyaan in every nook and corner of all districts expecting huge response at booth level. However, it is unfolding the way the leaders might have envisaged, sources said. There is no dearth nor any complacency on part of workers or the functionaries given task of organizing meetings, sources said adding that the cadres in the party are always zealous to contribute passionately.
Incharge senior leaders also make it to respective areas as per the scheduled roaster, yet they feel disappointed to see public not responding in same wave length, a party leader said confiding at some places some leaders who have remained ministers and MLAs feel self conscious with very thin, not more than 30-40 people in attendance where they expect them in hordes.
Moreover, their enthusiasm towards what is being made to listen or understand is far from being excited, a factor which motivated party cadres during previous LS polls when BJP was riding high on Modi wave. Needless to say, this mass contact programme is aimed at apprising people about what the party contends transformative initiatives and welfare schemes launched by Modi government post abrogation of Article 370.
All that is a reality as it surely benefitted communities and people in general many ways. But a lot has changed in recent years on the ground level for people which some sections have seen as resentful moves and steps, the leader said explaining lack of huge public response to party programmes with ‘old’ or already executed political agenda.
It goes without saying the party is continuing with its efforts and surely not in rest mode. Yet this one to ensure public connect gets build before poll bigul blows is not showing up big results as of now. It is for the leaders to change the course or design of the programme so that it is able to attract more people.

Updated On 11/29/2023 2:19:57 AM

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