Tawi River front: 500 Cr project will start getting shape by 2025

Yogesh Sagotra. Updated: 4/20/2023 3:23:43 AM Front Page

Civil works likely to complete by Dec 2023

Jammu: After missing several deadlines, the construction work on over 500 crore Jammu’s ambitious Tawi River Front has picked up pace, as civil works are likely to complete by end of this year, while projects will start getting its shape in 2025.
Officials said that the Tawi Riverfront project has been conceived with twin objectives; first rejuvenate groundwater sources by creating an artificial lake and construction of wayside amenities to boost tourism.
Project costs have been estimated as Rs 530 Crore, with construction of Phase-I from 4th bridge to Tawi Bridge has been going on at cost of Rs 210 cores while phase II with estimated cost of Rs 320 Crores from Tawi Bridge to Bahu-Fort-Gujjar Nagar Bridge would be taken up later. The officials said that the project would add to the aesthetic value of the city of temples as well as provide business opportunities to the citizens.
“The conception behind developing the Tawi River Project is to achieve twin objectives. First one is creation of a robust flood protection mechanism for the city and second, creation of a vibrant recreational place in the heart of the city,” said Project Director Sunil Thusu.
The officer added that the project has two main components which included creation of a pond, for which irrigation and flood control department constructing barrages, which pave way for promenades on both the banks for the river.
“With these promenades we able reclaim land of more than 400 kanals, which will further utilize for different components including creation of recreational park, amusement park, Biodiversity Park, some high-end residential flats, malls and other things,” the project director said adding, “ the government also planning to have a destination wedding area.”
He maintained that the government aimed to generate good revenue from the first phase of the project to fund the second phase.
“These amenities intent to have a fair amount of revenue, so that funds would be utilize for extending it towards upstream of Tawi River and develop similar area on Bahu Fort-Gujjar Nagar stretch of the river,” he said
The project director further said that the civil works are likely to be completed by the end of this year.
“The civil works, which include construction of retaining walls, embankments and land fillings are likely to be completed in December this year, while the project will take its shape by end of 2025” he said.
He further added that the government has engaged consultants to develop high end real estate around the project.
“As civil works going on in full pace, simultaneously we have engaged real estate player of global repute, who have started their work and shared a draft for developing the area, which we will discuss with higher-ups,” he said adding,“ By end of 2025, the projects will start taking its shape, after construction of parks and pavements, while the allied infrastructure like developing residential area, malls will be complete by 2026-27”.
Plan Approved in 1986
In 1986, then Governor Jagmohan approved the artificial lake project. The construction began in 2008-09 after much delay. Since then, it has missed several deadlines.
The project, which was relaunched in 2009 by the then Congress-National Conference government and state government, has spent more than Rs 58 crore on the project, after then Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on December 5, 2009 laid its foundation stone.
After missing the first target date, the contractor further missed deadlines in 2012, 2013 and 2015. The irony struck when the project became controversial as the then chief minister, late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, in the presence of then deputy chief minister Dr Nirmal Singh announced on May 15, 2015, that the lake project was not economically and technically feasible on the river.
However, it restarted and missed several deadlines in 2016 and 2017 before the work came to standstill in 2018.
About Project
The artificial lake was considered first of its kind to give a new look to Jammu City and to boost tourism in Jammu province. Once completed the project would add to the aesthetic value of the city of temples as well as provide business opportunities to the citizens.
The ambitious project is being developed on the lines of the Sabarmati riverfront in Gujarat to enhance natural purifying capabilities, as well as strengthen environmental and urban infrastructure sustainability.
Under the project, a 3.5 km (both side) long river front is proposed to be completed in 2 phases.
The first phase starts from 4th bridge to Tawi Bridge and phase 2 from Tawi Bridge to Gujjar Nagar Bridge. The pathways would be constructed on both the sides (banks) of the river to provide easy access to the public.

Updated On 4/20/2023 3:28:59 AM
Updated On 4/20/2023 3:37:59 AM

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